Sunday, September 23, 2018

Treasure VS Treasure


We all seek them.

As they say, treasure is in the eye of the beholder.

If you don't see an item as treasure, it is not least to you.

So, what do you view as treasure?

The Holy Grail?

A childhood toy?

Which would you recognize as treasure?

Would you know the Grail if you did see it in a pile of junk?

Considering no one really knows what the Grail looks like, probably not.

But that toy, laying amongst trash, you would spot it right away.

Maybe lying next to the Grail itself!

The point I am making, if you haven't already figured it out, is that knowledge; the ability to recognize what is "treasure" makes all the difference in succeeding in finding treasure.

Did you know that gold smugglers would melt gold and cast it into day to day utilitarian items?

Horse bits were one of the choices smugglers supposedly used, for example.

In one old treasure magazine I remember reading that a treasure hunter had found what he thought was a gray, painted, cast iron spittoon in an old gold rush town bar...a scratch revealed it was actually solid gold!  A fortune in gold, sitting in plain sight for years!

 Anyway, knowing these bits of information and many more tid bits of information you will learn over the years could be your key to finding true treasure.

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